Call for Contributions
Spring/Pentecost 2021 Theme: Ordinary Places
We live and move within spaces more or less reflectively, intuitively. They make up our physical, mental, emotional, and cultural landscape and are the specific spaces where this Zine’s trinity of commitments of social justice, theology/religion, and popular culture can intersect in fruitful ways.
Our world continues to experience calls for digital unity across all borders, at the same time regional boundaries spark debate and division. For some, the pandemic meant shrinking and sharing spaces like never before; for the DIY-set, we were reminded of the need to support local artists and creators and farmers; for still others, the civil unrest and political crises accentuated regional alienation. For all of us there are spaces we long for these days but which are not available to us: concerts, festivals, movie theaters, and hometowns. Where are you finding your place right now?
Thus our call for our spring/Pentecost 2021 issue of Ordinary Space: we invite submissions that explore the broad theme of “ordinary places,” real and imaginary, physical and mythical, geographical or social location. How do they form us? How are spaces transformed at the junction of pop culture, justice, and theology/religion? Please submit drafts to the editorial team at by April 15, 2021 for consideration.
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