Ordinary Space: New Print 'Zine Coming for Pentecost 2018

Ordinary Space: 
Creative Expression at the Intersection
of Theology, Popular Culture, & Social Change 

What it is:

Our ordinary spaces are where we make time for conversation & recreation, music & movies, television & comics, literature & liturgy, prayers & pastimes.

Do you have a “think piece” or “review essay” that is too long for social media that seeks an enduring space in that dying medium of print? Perhaps you will share it with our new project called “Ordinary Space,” which has the possibility to become extraordinary with your help.

Give us your take on trends, topics, or tangible objects at the intersection of theology, popular culture, & social change. We accept short essays (500-1500 words ballpark), poems, microfictions, devotions, or visual art in any medium that can easily be reproduced for shared consumption. If you have an idea that doesn’t fit on this list, you can still send it along.  Deadline for our first issue is April 27, 2018. Early submissions would be great. 

Who we are:

We are a trio of religious creatives & middle-aged popular culture fans seeking a joyful approach to transformation in church & society. This ‘zine (or journal) & occasional blog encourages spontaneity & conversation, seeking to be deeply collaborative in an open-ended collective of like-minded contributors. 
